There are 7 types of special requests to choose from:
1) Checkbox: Commonly used in forms to enable users to select multiple options.
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2) Radio Button: Commonly presents a set of options, and users can choose only one option from the group.
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3) Select: Commonly present as a dropdown list, allows users to choose a single option from a menu of choices, offering a space-efficient solution for presenting multiple options, particularly when dealing with long lists or limited interface space.
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4) Text Area: Commonly used as an input element that allows users to enter and edit multiple lines of text. It is useful when users need to provide longer pieces of information, such as comments, descriptions, or messages.
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5) Text Field: Commonly used as an input element that allows users to enter and edit a single line of text. It is suitable for capturing relatively short pieces of information, such as names, email addresses, or other alphanumeric data.
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6) Date: Allow users to choose specific date
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7) Time: Allow users to select a specific time.
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